Case:37 25 years old male Hospital stay Feb-April 2018


CEffortlessly achieved to quit steroid that did not succeed by repeatedly challenging

From 1 month after birth, atopic dermatitis started. After that, he continued steroid topical use and antiallergic drugs oral administration. After finishing high school and getting employed, atopic dermatitis worsened systemically with while working hard. The effect of external use of steroid was not sufficient, and internal steroids and cyclosporin immunosuppressive drug were used in combination.

Even though he tried to quit steroid two years before hospitalization, he had repeatedly failed due to aggravation and it got very worse 3 months before hospitalization. Though he increased steroids, he could not control and he visited our hospital.

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Progress after hospitalization

Strong infection of yellow fungus and Malassezia occurs mainly in the upper body. Malassezia infection shows seborrheic dermatitis, and a unique yellow secretion is observed mainly in the sebaceous gland distribution region of the face. Although the infection has spread to the deep part by long-term immunosuppressive therapy, the steroid-free which could not be succeeded by many challenges could be easily achieved by BSC. At the time of discharge, the face has become beautiful greatly and a good condition is maintained even after discharge.


